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First Person Spell-Caster “Lichdom: Battlemage” Now Available on Xbox One

First Person Spell-Caster “Lichdom: Battlemage” Now Available on Xbox One

Published: Tuesday, April 19, 2016Tagged: Gaming, ID@Xbox, Xbox Live, Xbox One, Xbox Store

Maximum Games first person spell-caster “Lichdom: Battlemage” is now available on Xbox One!

Lichdom Battlemage

Lichdom: Battlemage is a first-person spell casting game with all the fast-paced action of a first-person shooter, plus the creative power and strategic elements of a spell caster. Using magic as your only form of weaponry, you wield an almost unlimited arsenal of spells that you craft using eight main Sigils – Fire, Ice, Lightning, Corruption, Kinesis, Delirium, Necromancy, and Phase. With this immense gift, given to you by a wizard named Roth, you will go against wicked forces and insane monsters on a mission to obliterate the evil overlord who destroyed your family.

Each Sigil equips a different type of power that can be modified in many different ways and - combined with the other Sigils - can create 1000s of unique destructive qualities. As you journey through the game, opportunities to test different combinations present themselves at every corner, and it will ultimately be up to you to choose the right combinations to eliminate all that stands in your way. Whether you confront a battle using brute force, freeze your enemies in their tracks, or elevate them in the air, your methods will determine who live and who dies.

Developed by Xaviant and published by Maximum Games, Lichdom: Battlemage is available at retailers and via digital download from the Xbox Games Store for $49.99, £39.99, € 49,99.

For more information on the game, browse through all of our coverage via the Xbox One games hub right here on XONEHQ and don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Google+, Facebook, Pinterest and YouTube!

Size: 14.04 GB
Download: here
Price: $49.99, £39.99, € 49,99
Xbox One Games: Lichdom: Battlemage

Lichdom: Battlemage Achievements
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