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Sega confirms Alien: Isolation runs in 1080p on Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Sega confirms Alien: Isolation runs in 1080p on Xbox One and PlayStation 4

Published: Tuesday, January 07, 2014Tagged: Gaming, Xbox One

SEGA confirmed today that Alien Isolation, the new survival/horror sci-fi video game developed by Creative Assembly, will run in 1080p on both next-gen consoles.

Alien Isolation

"Happy to confirm that the game will run in 1080p on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!," the company said.

It is not clear, however, if both console versions of Alien: Isolation run in 1080p natively or if they will be up-scaled to that resolution. Sega said, "Right now, we're definitely aiming for native 1080p," but wouldn't confirm if this was locked in for the final game.

Alien: Isolation will be released on Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC later this year.

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